David versus Goliath: buch7
Effectively taking the good out into the world
“UHLMANN PR has been advising and supporting us in all matters related to our public relations work since 2015.
I appreciate the team’s individual response to our specific needs and their implementation of custom-tailored public relations that are of optimal use for us. Thanks to the very targeted and effective approach, we are visible in the relevant business and sustainability media despite a tight budget.”
Benedikt Gleich, Founder and CEO, buch7.de GmbH
The task
For the better at its best: buch7 is a social bookseller that donates 75 % of its profits to charitable projects. This online bookstore pays fair wages and holds a public welfare certification. Since 2007, the company has been the ethical alternative to Amazon.
For eight years, we have been supporting buch7 in every communication aspect, including political communication, a petition in the German Bundestag, classic press releases, press invitations for the Frankfurt Book Fair, and press updates regarding the renovation of their own cultural centre “Kulturbahnhof” in Langweid am Lech.

The implementation
“Do good and talk about it” was Count Zedtwitz-Arnim’s advice more than 50 years ago. However, it’s not always that simple. The truly good are often faced with many obstacles put in their way.
At buch7, we’ve observed time and again that lobbying for a good cause requires a lot of persuasion. Business media contacts are always quite happy to write about Amazon, but it takes significant networking and persuasive arguments to get the good alternative in the spotlight. It’s a David vs. Goliath situation.
By highlighting political communication aspects, such as a petition to increase the tax-deductible donation limit for companies, we consistently succeed in attracting attention for buch7.
The results
Due to the very limited budget (buch7’s profits are to go primarily to charitable projects), we work with adjusted agency fees for buch7. This allows us to regularly place reports on various topics in relevant national business and sustainability media, as well as in the local daily press, including major leading newspapers like the Süddeutsche Zeitung.
Our editorial radio features, positioning buch7 as an alternative to Amazon and announcing the record-breaking financial year in 2021 due to the COVID-19 lockdowns, reached 2.2 million listeners.